Glenn Kinderman
Menominee, Michigan, United States
Speaks English
EFT / Tapping, Life Coaching
I am a retired, disabled Vietnam Era veteran; a Life Coach specializing in EFT, Ho’oponopono, Huna, and Canfield Success Principles. I help active-duty military, veterans, and their families cope with trauma or PTSD resulting from military service. I’ve found that veterans may feel more comfortable working with another vet, someone who gets them, someone who has been there and done that.
I served 21 years in the U.S. Submarine Force. I’m very proud that I had a role in winning the Cold War. We had a mission to accomplish and we did it with duty and honor. The thing I miss the most is the camaraderie and esprit de corps of a unique brotherhood. Knowing I always had someone to count on, anywhere, anytime. I had their backs, they had mine. It’s something you had to experience in order to appreciate and understand.
Unfortunately, “s&#t” happens with unforeseen consequences, outside of our control, which can adversely affect our lives.
In my case, I lost hearing in my left ear, replaced by tinnitus, a constant high-pitched buzzing that never goes away. Some days are okay, other days it drives me nuts. I want to pull my hair out. I still have insomnia from years of screwed up sleep patterns and living in a constant state of heightened awareness, waking up at the slightest noise. There were family conflicts, isolation, and trust issues after coming home from deployment. Not being able to talk about where I went or what I did. Always being suspicious when someone asked questions about what I did. Were they trying to get intel about submarine operations? Operational security was a real concern during the Cold War. Lastly, there was also the anger and hostility towards Vietnam Era veterans. Times were different then. Thankfully, things are better now.
I learned to live with my issues. I sucked it up and got on with life, trying some self-help methods with limited success. Things didn’t improve though. Alcohol became an issue. My wake-up call was getting a letter in the mail from a traveling revival show that was in town stating their resident drunk had passed away and they were looking for a replacement to display. They asked around town and my name kept coming up. Would I like to join them? A true story. My best friend had sent the letter because he was concerned for my well-being. I wasn’t listening to his suggestions to seek help so he sent the letter. This was the point I realized I needed help.
My healing began when I saw the movie, The Secret. It introduced me to Jack Canfield’s (Chicken Soup of the Soul author) Success Principles, EFT, Ho’oponopono, Huna, and the Law of Attraction. Albeit unconventional, these techniques and systems changed my life. The results were unbelievable.
Sharing what I discovered and what worked for me is my way of paying it forward, staying involved, and helping those who served in and supported the armed forces. My vision is for all military personnel and their families to experience the benefits of EFT, Ho’oponopono, and Huna, and to use these practices daily for stress relief, self-care, and emotional regulation, and then to spread the word.
When you find yourself in need of someone to talk to, unsure of what to do or where to turn, I’m here to help you figure things out, deal with your pain and suffering and find a path forward.